Logistics 4.0 technology increases the competitiveness of our clients

13 / Jul / 2020 | News

The logistics sector is becoming more and more strategic, competitive and demanding. Our industry is currently undergoing a major transformation as digitisation changes not only the way we manufacture, transport and collaborate, but also the way we go about satisfying the needs of our clients.

The environment is such that there is a growing need to streamline processes, to provide assurances that varying demand can be met and, ultimately, to adapt supply chains to the needs of a market that is undergoing rapid change.

With that in mind, the use of Logistics 4.0 technology in logistics operations and supply chains is making the sector more competitive, underscoring the importance of carbon footprint, producing more flexible and responsive warehouses, enabling traceability of distribution, reducing costs and waste and responding to demand in a faster and more effective manner.

Bergé is improving its projects, solutions and processes by introducing technology which is adapted to the needs of its clients and provides an added-value in terms of quality, flexibility, timely information, planning, responsiveness and cost.

Bergé is committed to solutions which can be rolled out across all sectors, such as Big Data, Digital Twin, IoT (internet of things), robotization, more powerful management systems, dynamic control centres, etc. as they boost quality and competitiveness in the logistics operations and supply chains of our clients.

For further information about our solutions, please visit: https://bergelogistics.com/logistica-de-valor-anadido/