BERGÉ has the best young ship agents and brokers in the world

6 / Sep / 2021 | News

  • FONASBA, the international federation in the sector, has awarded Ana Ruiz García de los Ríos the prize “Young Ship Agent or Broker 2021”, the first woman to receive it
  • She received it for her research on the impact of automation, Big Data and blockchain in the maritime sector

The international federation of ship agents and brokers, FONASBA has awarded the title of best young talent in the world to Ana Ruiz García de los Ríos, who has worked for BERGÉ as an agent in Santander for two years. It is the first time that this prize, which aims to promote research in the maritime sector among young professionals, has travelled to Spain and been awarded to a woman.

FONASBA specifically recognised the study “The impact of Technology in the Maritime Sector from a Ship Agent View” (click here to read) by this young talent at BERGÉ, on the impact of automation, Big Data and blockchain in the maritime sector at a time like the present when the concept of port 4.0 and application of new technologies in the logistics chain are taking shape.

A new scene that will bring many benefits such as better security, efficiency, efficacy and time savings between shipowners, charterers, vessels and maritime agents themselves. Not to mention the fact that these new technologies are being incorporated in the midst of a pandemic, affecting the sector but also creating an opportunity to accelerate their implementation.

For BERGÉ, this award is a recognition of its commitment to new generations of professionals in the maritime sector, which materialises in the form of its Master’s Degree in the Management of Maritime Business and Associated Logistics, in partnership with the universities of Cantabria (UC), the Basque Country (UPV) and Politécnica de Cataluña, where the recipient of the award herself studied. All this with a view to creating a stronger and more competitive logistics sector based on talent, with the objective of creating a pool of young talent to fill specialist job roles, as is the case of Ana Ruiz García de los Ríos.