Moved by logistics

We are logistics

We are the logistics operator of reference in transport services and solutions, leader in the Spanish market. We handle the entire value chain for transport and manage the logistics of all types of goods and products, ensuring they arrive at their destination on time and in perfect conditions with significant cost savings. We design turnkey projects and offer tailored solutions.


BERGÉ cumple diez años en Colombia y ya multiplica por tres su presencia inicial en el mercado

BERGÉ celebrates its tenth anniversary in Colombia, having already tripled its initial market presence

It now has 300,000m2 of warehousing and 3 logistics centres BERGÉ is celebrating ten years in the Colombian market, a venture that began with its...
Barcelona, punto de escala en el viaje inaugural del nuevo barco de K Line propulsado por GNL

Barcelona – point of call on the maiden voyage of the new LNG-powered K Line vessel

After stopping in China and Japan, the Nereus Highway vessel will arrive in Barcelona for loading and unloading of vehicles and project cargo. BERGÉ...
BERGÉ recibe en el Puerto de Tarragona la segunda de las grúas Liebherr adquiridas dentro de su plan de modernización

BERGÉ receives the second of the Liebherr cranes, acquired as part of its plan to upgrade assets, at the Port of Tarragona

Having received the first one at the beginning of September in the Port of Bilbao.BERGÉ has received the second Liebherr LHM 550 crane at the Port...
BERGÉ se inscribe en el Registro de Huella de Carbono del Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica

BERGÉ is added to the Ministry for Ecological Transition’s Carbon Footprint Register

The company is looking at measures such as crane upgrades, the use of biofuels and installing photovoltaic panels September 2024. BERGÉ is now part...



Logistics services

We have a wide range of services for the entire logistics chain, specialising in port operations, integrated vehicle logistics, value-added logistics and process outsourcing, and shipping.

Bergé in numbers


Handled vessels

Million tonnes of goods handled per year

Million tonnes of goods in storage per year

Ports in Spain

M2 of warehouses
